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A plate of chocolate chip cookies and a bottle of milk

On Grief and Baking

In November, my 35 year-old niece died suddenly and unexpectedly, and it has been devastating for our family–especially for my three young nephews (her children). I, a childless woman of a certain age, find myself raising three young boys as we grieve and navigate our new normal. I find that baking or cooking can be a soothing way to navigate…

5 Best Philly Sandwiches That Aren’t Cheesesteaks

Formally, Philadelphia is known as the City of Brotherly Love but perhaps its real nickname should be the City of Sandwich Love. In a city that has elevated the cheesesteak to civic symbol status, it’s no secret that Philadelphians are serious about their food. Though the cheesesteak was declared the…


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1 A plate of chocolate chip cookies and a bottle of milk

On Grief and Baking

In November, my 35 year-old niece died suddenly and unexpectedly, and it has been devastating for our family–especially for my three young…

