In recent years, Domino’s has been in serious decline. Bad pizza (even for those nursing hangovers), bad wings, not-so-cheesy bread–all of it spelled a downward spiral for the once king of delivery pizza.
So, it seemed that the good folks of Domino’s decided to jump into the ‘mea culpa advertising’ fray by engaging in the kind of self-deprecating, ‘sorry-we-messed-up’ advertising that seems to work on today’s consumers. They’ve released a series of commercials that places Domino’s in a not-so-flattering light–exposing some of the chain’s most glaring transgressions–namely, horrible pizza. Admittedly, it takes some–er–stones to cop to failing at your core business, but how does this type of advertising resonate with you? Are you impressed with Domino’s bold move or do you view it as a pathetic marketing scheme?